Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Chemistry by Graham Swift, Snowdrops by Leslie Norris, and finally Essa

Chemistry by Graham Swift, Snowdrops by Leslie Norris, and finally point and Paula Browns New Snowsuit by Sylvia Platt.How do the authors of the anthology deal with the subject of change?In this essay I am comparing three stories together.These stories are Chemistry by Graham Swift, Snowdrops by LeslieNorris, and finally Superman and Paula Browns New Snowsuit bySylvia Platt.I will investigate how the stories are similar and different, and alsohow they come out across to the reader.I will explore the techniques they use and how each author deals withthe subject of change.Chemistry is about a boy recalling his childhood and that sees aninvisible bond between himself, his mother, and his grandfather. Heuses the boat to symbolise the bond, and when the boat sinks, the bondis broken.We see things as the boy saw it, recall the boys thoughts andemotions of how he felt towards his mothers lover Ralph.Snowdrops is from another boys memory, where it outlines twodifferent worlds, the adult wo rld, and the child world. The boy isexcited by the thought of seeing snowdrops that his teacher girlfriendWebster was taking them to see. He is excited of seeing the flowers ashe believes they are magical. The boy finally sees the flowers andfeels depressed because they are not exciting at all.Superman and Paula Browns New Snowsuit is set from the eyes of agirl, who always thought her Uncle Frank was like superman, and has alovely life until a hardly a(prenominal) incidents ruin it for her.The poor girl is heartbroken as she is blamed for an accident thathappened which she had nothing to do with. She finally realises thather Uncle Frank (her Superman) will not always come to her re... ...fying statementToday Miss Webster was going to show them the snowdrops growing inthe little three cornered garden outside the school keepers house,where they werent allowed to go.This makes us think Who is narrating? Who are them/they?In Superman and Paula Browns New Snowsuit the poor girl is sho wn thereal images of war, and her own mind would not let her sense of smell away Iblocked my ears to muffle the sound of the men groaning, but I couldnot tear my eyes away from the screen.In conclusion I believe that the authors are genuinely successful inwriting these stories and in my opinion each story is well structuredand planned.Each story was very easy to read, quite short but informative.These stories were very interesting to read the authors give a wholenew aspect to Short Stories and have shown me a new way to writeshort stories.

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